Two authors take a trip that they did not take to a place that's no place (but could be anywhere) in Wiley Cash's feature on novelist T. Geronimo Johnson and his new book, Welcome to Braggsville.
In Episode 9 of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, Dave Roderick talks with poet Ross Gay chats about his new collection, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude, gardening, and "the discipline of joy."
During the eight months he was sentenced to Rikers Island, a poet named Lauren Ireland wrote postcards to Lil Wayne. The rapper never responded, but the writer compiled them into a tiny purple book.
Novelist LaShonda Katrice Barnett discusses her debut novel, Jam on the Vine, how becoming a historian taught her about plot, Muslims living in Texas in the 19th century, and the Missouri State Penitentiary, also known as “the bloodiest 47 acres in America.”
Poet and translator Tomás Q. Morin discusses his recent translation of Pablo Neruda's The Heights of Macchu Picchu, his relationship to the poet, and the role of translation in the world today.