Deanna Zandt is writing a book. She has a contract with Berrett-Koehler, but the publishing house does not usually “give advances, relying instead on a more author-friendly royalty structure.”
This week, the book blogs are scaring the ever-loving Jesus out of me. Sure, there have been a few fun, interesting updates and interviews, but most of what they’ve been…
This week, Rumpus Books has published a review of a memoir and three novels, as well as two interviews, one of which includes an excerpt from Robert Sullivan’s book The…
When my wife and I signed the lease on our new place, we fell into a discussion with our new landlord about writing and writers; not surprisingly, he’d come to…
“The mission for book publishers and print media at large should be to create a product that is irreplaceable and indispensable.” Eric Obenauf, the publisher of Two-Dollar Radio, doesn’t think…
Rumpus contributor Jonathan Ames recently got interviewed by a little magazine called Time. Clearly this upstart Time rag is hopping on the Rumpus’ pro-Ames bandwagon, but we won’t begrudge them.…
“I was traveling and barely understood how I’d ended up there on a Ferris wheel at night, dangling above a town I didn’t know, thousands of miles from anyone I…
Since I’m turning thirty in early September and starting to feel a new-found urgency coupled with a blasé acceptance of life’s fast and furious pace, I wonder about the things…