My wife’s been steadily devouring Raymond Chandler, pacing herself so she doesn’t read it all at once (there is, after all, a limited supply). The other night she started in…
Galley Cat notes speculation on a patent filed by Amazon for a small building design. (The patent’s here…) The Street weighs in with that claim that “If, indeed, Amazon were…
I have a problem with fidelity. But don’t call me a book slut as I prefer the term “promiscuous bibliophile.” When so many seductive stories vie for my attention, how…
Anyone who has ever been in a creative writing workshop knows the type of shame ordinarily suffered only by lifestyle submissives. And in the new Bookforum, Mark Grief, while reviewing…
The Rumpus doesn’t really do Kanye West. It doesn’t hate him and it doesn’t love him. It just doesn’t go there. But when the self-proclaimed “voice of this generation“— in…
“In 1954, his eyesight failing and work hard to come by, (Superman co-creator Joe Shuster) accepted an invitation to illustrate the lurid stories that were to fill the pages of…
Good news! Your humble Rumpus Sunday editor, who was locked inside the Public Storage in North Berkeley for the better part of last night while helping his nine-months-pregnant friend move,…
Finished with the BEA? Had the best time of your life at You’re Not Alone, the Rumpus, McSweeney’s and SMITHMAG event last night in New York, and not sure how…
The stories in Do Not Deny Me, Jean Thompson’s new collection, are concerned with main characters whose lives are scraped bare, who live in a world flattened by boredom and…
BookExpo America is back in New York at the Jacob Javits Center with a show, conference and special events. What’s nice about Book Expo is that all the booksellers come…
Original story at The Millions. You probably didn’t even know that Haruki Murakami has a new book coming out today. That’s because the hype has been largely suppressed, and also…