Since its 1983 debut as a weekly serial, Oishinbo has sold over 100 million paperback editions in Japan. Yet while Oishinbo is undeniably the granddaddy of food-themed manga I’ve discovered…
Sometimes, reading book blogs can make you feel like you’re watching the paparazzi photograph J-Lo on entertainment television, only J-Lo has gotten ugly, become a man, died, and named herself…
One customer review of "The Catcher in the Rye" warns readers that it will make you “want to kill yourself." Another calls Holden Caulfield a “whiney, immature, angst ridden teenager who need[s] a smack in the head.”
The Incredible Yanqui by Hermann Bacher Deutsch is the true story of the exploits of Lee Christmas, a tramp railroader, scoundrel, and soldier of fortune who wound up helping the…
When Bernard Madoff described his investment business as a ‘giant Ponzi scheme’, he gave a somewhat obscure phrase, used to describe a swindle that pays early investors using money from…
It’s Wednesday, which means that it’s time for another roundup of things we think you might want to read from book blogs around the Internet. Since last time, the Internet…
You’d think Stanley Kunitz, near 70 and hobbling through “Touch Me” would have slid off my 19 year old self. But it was the only poem that stuck, from a…