For a great while I’ve been away from reading short stories of real length—instead flipping back through Etgar Keret’s The Nimrod Flipout for three-page jolts of inspiration. But when I…
I hate agreeing with Harold Bloom. But what can I say? I fall easily and oddly and often (if sceptically) into Bloom’s spells of (particular) historical illumination and (annoying) lucidity.
Children’s books have always presented, in a sense, a kind of unique menace. They are among the first lengthy exposures that our children have which are dedicated to learning language.…
“What’s it like to be married to another writer?” Someone asks this question, with varying degrees of fascination, every time I do a reading. It’s as predictable as the person…
For National Poetry Month, Poems Out Loud is featuring people reading their favorite poems aloud. The construction worker who describes his job as “a lot of digging” loves Walt Whitman,…
The problem with reading a modern memoir is that often they suck. The influx of reality shows and confessional writing (ahem, Tori Spelling) has placed an emphasis on story and…