First let me say I’ve been a dedicated writer for half a century. I’ve published twenty-five books, and I’ve even won some prizes. I know a real writer is supposed…
Charles Bock’s “Beautiful Children” comes out in paperback today with a new cover by rock and roll poster legend Chuck Sperry. Bock and Sperry have also created their own adult…
Two years ago Axel Albin and Josh Kamler began photographing graffiti messages in cities around the world. At their website viewers can read, comment and submit their own message graffiti…
Concerned about the direction of print media? Soybits, a Spanish blog about “digital publishing and its peculiarities,” created an intricate Subway-style map based on 2008 publishing trends and projecting out.…
James Wolcott’s review of Updike’s The Widows of Eastwick summed up in one piece of advice: skip the first third of the book. Unlike Hemingway, Plath, Wolfe, et al., Updike…
Van Jones is an award-winning activist, bestselling author, orator, and political advisor. I helped him birth his first book, The Green Collar Economy (Harper One, 2008).