Features & Reviews
9263 posts
The Rumpus Book Club Chat with Alison Stine
Alison Stine discusses her new novel, ROAD OUT OF WINTER.
Reclaiming History from the Bigots: Jill Lepore’s This America
History itself is not so conveniently tidy, and neither is this book.
Imagination as Oasis: A Conversation with Sulaiman Addonia
Sulaiman Addonia discusses his new novel, SILENCE IS MY MOTHER TONGUE.
Rumpus Exclusive: Cover Reveal for Libertie
An exclusive look at the cover of Kaitlyn Greenidge’s forthcoming novel, LIBERTIE.
Writing as Construction of the Self: Talking with Matthew Salesses
Matthew Salesses discusses his new novel, DISAPPEAR DOPPELGÄNGER DISAPPEAR.
What to Read When You Want to Be Inspired by Latin American Resistance
Mark Eisner shares a reading list to celebrate RESISTENCIA: POEMS OF PROTEST AND REVOLUTION.
The Authentic Self: I Live in the Country & other dirty poems by Arielle Greenberg
Every poem in I Live in the Country sells what it’s craving.
Cutting to the Core: A Conversation with Tara Isabel Zambrano
Tara Isabel Zambrano discusses DEATH, DESIRE, AND OTHER DESTINATIONS.
Rumpus Exclusive: Cover Reveal for Who’s Your Daddy
An exclusive look at the cover of Arisa White’s forthcoming collection, WHO’S YOUR DADDY.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #231: Ruth O. Saxton
“While the past remains always present, old women exist in the present.”
Girl Power: Quan Barry’s We Ride Upon Sticks
But this is We Ride Upon Sticks: someone’s perm falls out, someone becomes prom queen.