Features & Reviews
9263 posts
Masters of Movement: A Conversation with Morgan Jerkins
Morgan Jerkins discusses her new book, WANDERING IN STRANGE LANDS.
Observations of an Inquisitive Mind: Fruit by Bruce Snider
These are not poems of self-pity. Far from it.
Intimate Characters: Talking with Laura Bogart
Laura Bogart discusses her debut novel, DON’T YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU.
Quiet, Radical Defiance: The Equivalents by Maggie Doherty
Education, work, study: these were not simply a means to an end.
Hybrid by Nature: A Conversation with Tara Campbell
Tara Campbell discusses her new book, POLITICAL AF: A RAGE COLLECTION.
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Thea Matthews
Thea Matthews discusses her debut poetry collection, UNEARTH [THE FLOWERS].
A Very Queer Book: Talking with Carter Sickels
Carter Sickels discusses his new novel, THE PRETTIEST STAR.
What to Read When a Global Pandemic Makes It Hard to Live Beyond Your Means
Sarah-Catherine Gutierrez shares a reading list to celebrate BUT FIRST, SAVE 10.
Straining Toward “Memory Care”: Victoria Chang’s Obit
For Chang, figurative language proves unsatisfactory when compared to the depth of her grief.
A Story That Won’t Behave: Talking with Molly Wizenberg
Molly Wizenberg discusses her new memoir, THE FIXED STARS.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #227: Karen Salyer McElmurray
“You’re solving this mystery, you’re taking this journey, but that’s only an opening to another journey.”