If you like Hayes, if you like little books, if you like political poetry, or, if you are like me and like all three, you’ll find this book compelling.
Gawker contributor and New York Post reporter, Shelia McClears tells of working at the Times Square peepshows in her new book, The Last of the Live Nude Girls.
Djordjevic’s rhythms provide a strong scaffolding throughout this powerful, necessary volume. In Oranges and Snow we have an outstanding example of the literary enterprise.
[York] never sinks into oblique facts, but he does not forget them, either. He never ignores the simple truth that he is writing poetry, and crafts a collection that is…
Narrated by young Nuri, Hisham Matar’s second novel, Anatomy of a Disappearance, tells of a father abducted by a corrupt regime—a story that closely resembles Matar’s own life.
A collection of flash fiction from five authors, They Could No Longer Contain Themselves unites distinct, compelling voices into one bursting collection.
These poems have all the instinct and fangs of a canine, and the plush, electric fur of a wolf: the intensity and sheer quality of workmanship in the poems is…
Glen Duncan’s new novel The Last Werewolf is sophisticated and horrifying and elegant and not for Young Adult readers, who would need a thesaurus, a history tutor and sedation.
Darwish’s identity (and the Palestinian identity) has been, at least partly, developed in exile. Darwish writes: “I am absence./ The heavenly and the expelled.” Here he speaks not only for…