Funny Women
231 posts
Funny Women is a column for literary, feminist humor writing by non-men. Previous pieces have been anthologized out of wedlock in The Best American Nonrequired Reading, Oxford University Press’s Humor: A Reader for Writers, and Reader’s Digest. Edited by Elissa Bassist author of Hysterical. Submit your funny writing here.
Funny Women: 10 Most Anticipated AI-Generated Books
It’s a book worth reading to page fifty and then regifting.
Funny Women: Now Open for Submissions
Ultimately, we’ll determine your eligibility based on vibes.
Funny Women: Creative Writing Tips for Men
Delete all instances of the word “shrill.” Search for similar words spanning all parts of speech: shriek, nag, scream, screech, and squawk, for example.
Funny Women: Query Letter for My Totally Publishable Novel
(The previous sentence demonstrates both my market awareness and my forward thinking.)
Funny Women: Ways* to Get Reproductive Rights
Click your heels three times and say "there's no rights like reproductive rights."
Funny Women: Catalog of This Season’s Memoirs by Men
I spilled blood. Which is to say I wrote. Not much. Just, you know, the text you are reading. Right now.
From the Archives: FUNNY WOMEN #61: My Imaginary Wet Hot American Summer
Shwayder Camp, Idaho Springs, 1997. This summer has been—without rival—the best summer of my life. Life, I am sure, will continue on this trajectory.
Funny Women: A Literary Agent’s Manuscript Wish List
I need a book that gives me the high of MDMA without the risk of faintness, dehydration, or a nosy mall cop telling me to put my shirt back on in the food court.
Funny Women: Personal Statement for Creative Writing MFA Applications
Dear MFA Faculty at Private University,