The Rumpus Poetry Book Club chats with Shane McCrae about his new book The Animal Too Big to Kill, listening to music while writing, addressing God in poetry, and The Oak Ridge Boys.
Know that you will be whole only when you run behind the curtain to slide yourself between the wooden planks of the next box, only when nobody is looking at you.
Sharon Oard Warner discusses her latest book, Sophie’s House of Cards, Breaking Bad, how a sense of place informs fiction, and the Republican war on Planned Parenthood.
Atossa Araxia Abrahamian on her new book The Cosmopolites, the citizenship market, nearly getting deported in the Comoros, and learning to show up and wait.
Jane Ciabattari, Vice President/Online of the National Book Critics Circle, and Grant Faulkner, NaNoWriMo director and 100 Word Story co-founder, talk flash fiction.