During its illustrious run, Gay Comix was the backbone of the LGBT comics scene, providing a space where established comic book creators could expand their artistic horizons...
Comic aficionados have been aware of Jeffrey Brown’s talents since the publication of Clumsy in 2002, a raw and honest graphic novel about a promising, but ultimately doomed, long-distance relationship.
Between 2007 and 2009 I lived and worked in Jerusalem. My apartment was in Abu Tor, a hillside district near Mount Zion and the border between Israel proper and the…
When I think about Kramers Ergot Number Eight, I imagine 1970’s aesthetics, and the Beatles’ album, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). I decided the only way explain in…
Like most things I liked when I was sixteen, I first got into Adrian Tomine’s comics because of my older sister, who let me borrow her early issues of Optic…
A heavy-metal-obsessed Puerto Rican 12-year-old. A Dartmouth professor of biology and science-fiction writer. A party girl and print designer from Birmingham, Alabama. What do these people have in common?
Casey Scieszka and Steven Weinberg are the authors of To Timbuktu, an illustrated travel memoir of their adventures together after college. Casey was born and raised in Brooklyn, and Steven…