The Heart of Great Alone: haunting images of polar expedition. Lighting design exhibition uses actual dandelions. What makes Ardi, the oldest known skeleton of a human-like primate, so dang important.…
90 Years of Vogue Magazine covers. You know, if that’s your thing. New Scientist wants to tell you about the winner of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics. Sometimes extreme…
My coworker wants me to drop an F-Bomb. Photographers talk about their hardest earned shots. way rad. The people of Spain understand who deserves memorializing: Almodovar’s monument. Have you heard…
The Atlantic covers Leak & Sons Funeral Home in Chicago’s South Side. Business is up, and that’s not a good thing, especially when the average age of the deceased is getting…
No, no, no—you wear rubber boots for plumbing work. Think about it, Doug. If the pipe breaks, you don’t want your feet to get wet. For electrical stuff it doesn’t…
Architecture porn of the week: totally sick Singapore garden design. Bizarre police sketches. Cakehead brings you a gallery of awesome and bizarre vintage inventions. My new hero: Liu Bolin, extreme…
“I think there’s a lot of thoughtful engagement with books on blogs—a lot of quick-hit riffing and expressions of enthusiasm, and I participate in some of that myself. That has…
The deadline for entry into the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg poetry prizes is nearing. These are some of the most generous poetry prizes available, and they give a large number of…
It’s been a fascinating couple of weeks here at The Rumpus. Here’s a taste of what you might have missed. Join the conversation at The Blurb#10, especially if you’re a…
Lots of fascinating science news this week. Here we go. The IgNobel Prizes were given out last night, and the honored research included a bra that doubles as a gas…
Yesterday, Stephen made you an incredible offer. I’m here to expand it. Do you have a favorite obscure poem (and no, poems are not necessarily obscure) or collection of poems…