16049 posts
Everything that can’t be categorized but is still wonderful!
Poetic Lives Online: Links by Brian Spears
When I came across this first link, my immediate reaction was “we need an anthology of the sonnet?” Apparently we do. I’ll be checking this one out. Rebecca Wolff can…
A Suggestion to all Marketers
I understand the difficulties that marketers face. They have to make a splash in an over-saturated media market, and it’s difficult to divert peoples’ attention away from not just their…
A Brief History of Economics
Two weeks in a row now I’m doing a blog post on the upcoming feature story in the NY Times Magazine. This won’t become a habit–they get plenty of attention…
Science Saturday
It’s time to release my inner geek. Okay, not so inner. Behold the cannibal galaxy! Triangulum, your day is coming! The nonprofit Solar CITIES is installing solar power systems in…
Saturday Morning Links
It’s a Saturday and I’m not hung over. I’ll make up for it. Catholic League president Bill Donohue is the kind of guy I’d like bad things to happen to.…
The Constitution in Pictures
Over at Cool Tools, Kevin Kelly has posted a review of a graphic adaptation of the US Constitution. Describing the document as “a robust self-correcting legal OS,” but admits that…
With The Fire Threat Waning, Let Us Reconsider The Legacy of the Mt. Wilson Observatory
Praise be to the slightly moist, changing winds — they helped spare Mt. Wilson. Or so it seems for now. Deep breath taken. And now please allow me to pull…
Kyle Kinane’s I’m Dead and It’s All My Fault #1
Running with the bulls, my ass. Didn’t you see the videos, Doug? They get to a leisurely trot at best in the straightaways and slide all over in the corners. …
Morning Coffee
I am mildly in love with these photographs by Estelle Hanania. Tiny dancer…? John Waters made me the man I am today, here is an article about his art. Carta…
Livestock Without Pain
There’s an editorial on New Scientist reacting to a recently-published paper by a philosopher named Adam Shriver, in which he calls for the genetic modification of livestock animals so that they…