Read The Secret online? Subscribe to daily affirmations and meditate for fifteen minutes a day? Or pay $90 for The Sedona Method? You’re nuts to think that stuff like that…
The hapless, plank-toothed, rubberband men of Jeff Ladoucer‘s art are beaten by clouds, tangled in knots, burned, and carried away by an elephant in Do The Apocalypse, his latest exhibit.
My first preschool tour was not a good experience. It was going okay until I realized I had dirty underwear balled into the leg of my pants. At first I…
The ladies! The ladies! Slate’s Movie Club is back and this year it’s allll woman. I love this thing, it’s the best thing about the crummy first week of the…
I’m fascinated by cultural cross-pollination when it comes to art. The Beatles dug Buddy Holly, the psychedelic bands of San Francisco dug the Beatles, the Britpop bands of the nineties…
Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde . . . Jello Biafra?! The Dead Kennedys’ acerbic frontman deserves to be placed in such rarefied comedic company by virtue of the three-minute…
After kissing on furniture I later learn from Wet is intensely germ-ridden, I followed Antoine up the curving, wrought-iron staircase and out into the street.