Posts by tag
Ana Bozicevic
11 posts
Notable NYC: 3/25–3/31
Saturday 3/25: Lucy Ives and Lila Zemborain join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 3/26: Ariena Reines, Lauren Hilger, T Kira Madden, Rachel Aydt, and Meghan Trask…
Notable NYC: 2/18–2/24
Saturday 2/18: Ryan Dobran and Wendy Letterman join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Kristen Gallagher and Ed Steck celebrate new books from Skeleton Man Press. The Glove,…
David Biespiel’s Poetry Wire: The Poem as Whistling Father
Isn't it worth wondering, then, where does a poem take you after it calls you in, calls you from your life into your creative psyche?
Rise in the Fall by Ana Božičević
Patrick James Dunagan reviews Ana Božičević's Rise in the Fall today in Rumpus Poetry.
National Poetry Month Day 26: “14 Fragments/10 Muses [Re:Sonnet #38]” by Ana Božičević
Welcome to The Rumpus’s National Poetry Month project. We’ll be running a new poem from a different poet each day for the month of April. 14 Fragments/10 Muses [Re:Sonnet #38]…
The Rumpus Books Sunday Supplement
Happy spring, Rumpusers! Come see what you missed in Rumpus Books this week.