Posts by tag
Angela Stubbs
4 posts
The Sunday Rumpus Interview: Heidi Julavits
"I don't think fake people living in a fake house in a fake suburb are any less dismissible or believable than a fake psychic attending a fake school in a fake town. Nothing's inherently believable about any kind of fiction, because all of it's untrue. As such, anything is always possible..."
The Sunday Rumpus Interview with Sarah Manguso
I have a crush on Sarah Manguso’s brain. This epiphany occurred slowly, over the weeks we spoke about her latest book, The Guardians. Sapiosexual feelings aside, I will admit I’m not…
The Rumpus Interview with Gina Frangello
Gina Frangello is capable of magic. She’s the kind of person you meet and you know seconds after meeting them, they’re capable of things you’d never be able to accomplish.