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153 posts
Writing What Bothers: A Conversation with Frances Cha
Frances Cha discusses her debut novel, IF I HAD YOUR FACE.
Bring the Inward Outward: Talking with Greg Mania
Greg Mania discusses his debut memoir, BORN TO BE PUBLIC.
I Had to Go There: Talking with Enzo Silon Surin
Enzo Silon Surin discusses his debut poetry collection, WHEN MY BODY WAS A CLINCHED FIST.
That Little Bit of Magic: A Conversation with Ramiza Shamoun Koya
Ramiza Shamoun Koya discusses her debut novel, THE ROYAL ABDULS.
Laughing through Life: A Conversation with Samantha Irby
Samantha Irby discusses her new essay collection, WOW, NO THANK YOU.
Soft Parts
What appealed to me most about furry culture was how it created a space for softness to be worn on the outside.
All These Ostriches: A Conversation with R. Eric Thomas
R. Eric Thomas discusses his debut memoir-in-essays, HERE FOR IT.