Posts by tag
7 posts
Weekly Geekery
Goethe, book reviews, and why you shouldn’t use TripAdvisor. The brother-figures of bear conservation. Barack Obama talks brain-bots and “chasing the unicorn.” Meet your future neighbors: oysters. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow…
Ursa Major
Last month a bear ripped into my tent, clenched his teeth onto my upper left arm, just below my shoulder, and would not let go.
The Right to Bear Tacos
What would you do if you happened to witness a car crash that injured no humans but mortally wounded a black bear? If you’re Jackson Landers, you finish the bear…
Politics Sunday
“All of the prostitutes are against the reopening of the brothels.” The French sex workers’ union takes a surprising stance. (Well, maybe not that surprising if you think about it.) (via…
Morning Coffee
Mondays are good days for best ofs and photography (this is a fact, look it up). Here are some birds eye view pictures and some taken through microscopes. 19th Century…