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1207 posts
Fresh Comics #8: John Black’s Body
In the imagined scenario wherein my apartment burns to the ground and I lose all my worldly possessions, there are just a few things I would miss—family photographs (of course), an…
Unicorns, Black Holes, and Monsters
Rumpus illustrator A.D. Puchalski has two new comics available for purchase! The first, Sword of Fray, is a fun action-adventure romp about a unicorn who’s the embodiment of a black hole, an…
Fresh Comics #7: Giving Up The Ghost
If you’ve never heard of Whit Taylor, then now is the perfect time to discover her. Ghost (2015) is her understated masterpiece, self-published just months ago. As I began reading the…
Fresh Comics #6: Abortion, Comics Style
Comics is a great medium for communicating complex or divisive topics, and so it makes sense that embedded within comics history we can find stories of abortion. Insane as it is…