The rules of a more even world might call into question those of us who knew that we deserved better but could not match this knowledge with unambiguous demands.
Women grooming their daughters to be good housewives teach them how to cook, no? A woman grooming her daughter to be something else in the world would keep her out of the kitchen.
Meeting that freemartin was a revelation for me: justification for my off-gender mannerisms and body, another creature bridging the space between male and female.
Mary Jo Salter discusses her latest collection, The Surveyors, writing about the domestic as a feminist act, and how her title poem came from someone else’s dream.
It makes sense to me that Johnny Appleseed, a man, would travel God's earth spreading his profligate seed. And then women are doomed to their lives trying to make that seed into something useful.
Poet Nicole Homer discusses her debut collection, Pecking Order, writing motherhood from many angles, and the importance of representation in the media.
Katy Horan discusses Literary Witches, which she illustrated and worked on in collaboration with writer Taisia Kitaiskaia, out tomorrow from Seal Press.