In the first story of this collection, a girl learns the shocking truth that the world is made of atoms, that “when you get right down to it, it’s all just studs and holes.”
Rion Amilcar Scott discusses his story collection Insurrections, father relationships, hip-hop, knowing when to abandon a project, and choosing not to workshop certain stories.
Vi Khi Nao on her new novel Fish in Exile, why women shouldn't apologize (even when they're wrong), moving between genres, and why humor is vital in a novel full of darkness and grief.
In reading short story collections I always gravitated towards the shortest story, curious to find the idea expressed in the shortest amount of time. Over at the jmww blog, Jen…
At WhiskeyPaper, Linda Niehoff writes briefly and beautifully about fire and magic, hinting at post-apocalyptic worlds with lines like, “We’d spent long evenings sewing together old bedsheets and nightgowns, the…
If you were to hear a story with its own soundtrack, it’s going to affect how you feel and interact with that story, even if you’re not directly paying attention…
In a column for SmokeLong’s “Why Flash Fiction?” series, author Anne Weisgerber compares writing flash fiction to painting: I realized I could craft flash miniatures that added up to something…
Stuart Dybek discusses the forthcoming The Best Small Fictions 2016, the invisibility of anecdote, and why the art of transition is the art of the short story.
The child wanted to name the rabbit Actually, and could not be dissuaded from this. For its final Flash Friday column, curated by Tin House, the Guardian shares three new excerpts from Joy…