A lot of women people (as opposed to men people, or just “people”) are upset that Wikipedia editors have created a subcategory for "American Women Novelists.” But I’m not.
Bitch included FUNNY WOMEN #98: Classic Novels Rejected by Modern Publishing Houses in yesterday’s feminist news roundup. Thanks, Bitch! You’re on our radar, too!
It was a time in my life when I was frequently “tagged,” along with other Netizens who seemed to keep in touch and do good works. I did no good works, but I tried to keep in touch.
You see, I am a survivor of a chimpanzee attack—an attack by my pet chimpanzee, my darling Bentley—and yes, fine, I suppose you could say he ate my face.
Probably you will not get rabies if your dog licks your face, and you remember afterwards that the previous morning he may or may not have bitten a shrew.