Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on Mango Street, talks about her new memoir, A House of My Own, living in a post-9/11 era, and the necessity of heartbreak.
Colin Dickey writes for Hazlitt about the practice of covering mirrors after a death: There seems to be no universal reason behind the custom. Reginald Fleming Johnston, documenting this practice…
I sobbed as I read, for the first time grieving someone I’d never known, but also grieving for myself because I was alive, and convinced I could never be as…
I came home from work the other day and found a notice taped to my front door. It had the logo for the FX television series American Horror Story on it and announced they would be filming on my block that weekend.
Everyone loves a good ghost story, and one of the most popular ghost stories in the Chinese literary canon is that of Li Huiniang, a cruelly executed concubine who fights…
“Pornographic ghosts sound like a terrific idea. I just today bought a Victorian corset to wear to the Rumpus event, (though I may have to go back to the store…
Look, I know we missed the boat by a couple days, but check out this sweet article on where ghosts come from. Spanish architecture porn of the week. On a…