It’s Saturday morning. Get the sleep out your eyes and start clicking. Farhad Manjoo has some solid ideas on how to beat the Kindle. Now, if only Amazon’s competitors will…
I have to admit, I feel a little assaulted myself after reading this proposal from Princeton Professors D. Graham Burnett and Jeff Dolven, which was a response to a request…
In preparation for a move, I’ve been cleaning out my files, and today I found an article I clipped from the June 2005 issue of Harper’s Magazine and stowed away:…
No doubt because of the media frenzy over the Swine Flu–or whatever we’re calling it now–Harpers has pulled a great piece on the factory farming of swine from their archives.…
Okay, all you (us) iPhoniacs out there–who’ll be the first to come up with an App to make sure we become the downloader of the billionth app? Dan Kennedy channels…