Fifty years ago, a kid named Haruki Murakami borrowed books from his school library in Kobe, Japan. This week, the Kobe Shimbun, a local paper, published a list of the books…
I’ve long been afraid of toilets in Japan, beginning with the one in the temple we visited every summer starting in 1975, when my mother and I began to regularly go to her homeland in a bid to make sure I was familiar with her culture.
Japanese bookseller Kinokuniya Co. plans on increasing the number of direct purchases made from publishers to avoid wholesalers’ markups. The store previously bought most of the stock of Murakami’s latest…
Yumi Sakugawa discusses her latest book, Ikebana, discovering meditation, exploring blank spaces, and drawing a world of sentient oranges and one-eyed monsters.
In what can aptly be described as a preemptive strike against online retailers like Amazon, major Japanese bookstore chain Kinokuniya bought up to 90% of the first print run of…
Deep pain and deep beauty oscillate throughout Sagawa’s work, often triggered in the same image. “Insects pierce green through the orchard,” she writes in “Like a Cloud.” “The sky has…
“There’s no use of me singing ‘I can’t stop loooooooving you’ to you, I suppose.” We beg to differ, Haruki: The Rumpus would love to hear your crooning Ray Charles…
Young people who aren’t interested in marriage or children, sure, but young people who aren’t interested in sex? According to this article in the Guardian, that’s increasingly the case in Japan,…