Jonathan Corcoran discusses his debut collection The Rope Swing, Appalachian writing communities, getting disowned by his family for coming out, and his father's death.
If writing can’t be taught, why do we spend so much time talking about it? Jayne Anne Phillips chimes in on the MFA debate: Life does not ‘tenure’ anyone. In that…
Author Megan Kruse talks about her debut novel, Call Me Home, queer characters in rural places, sibling relationships, and how the music of Lucinda Williams inspires her.
Saturday 11/16: Elizabeth Clark Wessel and Vladisalv Davizon read works in translation along with selections of their own poems. Molasses Books (Facebook), 8pm free. Laurent Binet discuses his new novel,…
Saturday 11/2: Jim Tolan, Cecilia Woloch and Sean Thomas Dougherty read as part of Poetry Night, hosted by Tolan. BookCourt, 7pm, free. Juliet Escoria, Sean H. Dolye, Andrew Worthington, Kendra…
The deciders of the Publishers Weekly Best 10 list “ignored gender and genre and who had the buzz.” Which is kind of brilliant in a way. Because everyone knows if you ignore things, you can maybe make those things go away.