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Jazmine Hughes
5 posts
Notable NYC: 3/18–3/24
Saturday 3/18: Lisa Robertson and Uljana Wolf join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 3/19: Michelle Hogmire, Edward Barkin, Claudia Summers, and Matt Basillere celebrate contributions to…
Year in Review
At The Morning News, prominent writers and thinkers discuss what they believe to be the most and least important events of the year. For example, Jazmine Hughes, associate digital editor of…
The Saturday Rumpus Interview: Jennifer Baker
The more variation we see in life, the more it becomes less about seeing one type of book by marginalized people.
Toward A More Colorful Masthead
A new, work-in-progress database of contemporary writers of color created by Durga Chew-Bose, Jazmine Hughes, Vijith Assar, and Buster Bylander aims “to create more visibility for writers of color, ease their…