She was brave, coming to the station that day. It was still a time when people seen associating with the “traitors” could have had trouble from the KGB.
In the first installment of "Mixed Feelings," a science-based advice column, Mandy Catron offers counsel on handling a partner's obsession with their ex.
Sisters and collaborators Kerry and Tyler Cohen talk about their new book Girl Trouble: An Illustrated Memoir, female friendships, and some of the challenges of writing memoir.
This week, Guernica has a new story from author and veteran Odie Lindsey, whose debut story collection about soldiers coming home from war, We Come to Our Senses, will be…
All these flavors, and Kaulie Lewis chooses to be salty. At The Millions, she gives us an ode to literary jealousy—the regret that one will never be able to claim credit…
Over at Hazlitt, Alana Massey walks us through the anxiety that so often accompanies reading great thinkers, laying bare her own insecurities at the altar of famed writer and critic,…
A bad play; a lover whose name has slipped forever into the cracks of history; a crash on a deserted highway in the middle of the night...Jennifer Pastiloff remembers the ingredients of jealousy, shame, regret, and the transformational power of the stories we tell ourselves.