Posts by tag
Jonathan Lee
7 posts
Notable NYC: 2/11–2/17
Saturday 2/11: Immigrant Rally: Here to Stay. Washington Square Park, 2 p.m., free. Maryam Monalisa Gharavi and Jennifer Scappettone join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 2/12:…
Disquiet at the Finish Line
The idea of art-making as a refuge from reality has become a cliché. But a cliché often becomes a cliché through the repeated force of being true. Jonathan Lee, author…
What Happens When You Never Talk About Religion
In an interview with Jonathan Lee at The Paris Review, Joshua Ferris addresses why his new novel, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour, “starts from the question of whether…
The Rumpus Interview with Chad Harbach
Chad Harbach sits down to talk about MFA vs NYC and its ongoing debate, co-founding the literary magazine n+1, and the intuitive process behind looking at your own work.