Posts by tag
Kevin Young
20 posts
Congratulations to the NBCC Finalists!
We congratulate all of the NBCC finalists, and are especially pleased to have celebrated and featured the work of many of these writers on The Rumpus!
We Have to Trust Our Punch: A Conversation with Kevin Young
Kevin Young discusses Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News, America's relationship to hoaxes, and what we can learn from that relationship.
At the Intersection of Personal and Political: Resistance, Rebellion, Life: 50 Poems Now edited by Amit Majmudar
American writers have a long, distinguished history of calling out injustice.
Notable NYC: 3/4–3/10
Saturday 3/4: Peter Blackstock, senior editor at Grove Atlantic, curates Queer as Volk as part of the Festival Neue Literatur. Powerhouse Arena, 6 p.m, free. Timothy Liu and Christopher Salerno…
Poetry in Motion
In honor of National Poetry Month, the Washington Post had ten designers create short animations to accompany excerpts of poems.
“The Yellow Birds,” by Kevin Powers
The innocuous title of Kevin Powers’ debut novel The Yellow Birds is a reference to a military marching cadence. In its lyrics, as anyone who served in the military in recent decades…
Poetic Lives Online: Links by Brian Spears
It’s Saturday night, the skies are cloudy, and the satellite reception keeps cutting in and out. Guess it’s time for some poetry links. I don’t generally link to poetry reviews…