Empathy is a radical act, particularly when you use it to connect with people who are very different from you. Loving others is wonderful, but caring for others is profound.…
A huge new bookstore in the heart of Mexico’s drug cartel region hopes to combat ‘narco culture’ by offering an alternative, including classes for children and adults. Innisfree Poetry Bookstore…
At Lit Hub, Yardenne Greenspan discusses the solace she found in parenting books during pregnancy: Now that I was in this completely new and foreign scenario, my body doing things…
For Lit Hub, Kerri Arsenault interviews Lee Boudreaux, editor at the newly-minted Little, Brown imprint Boudreaux Books, about the editing process, the publishing world, and the necessary evil of book…
James Tate Hill, author of the recently released Academy Gothic, details his experience as “a writer who can’t read” due to visual impairment: My preoccupation with the charade of passing, that…
Over at Lit Hub, Sunil Yapa shares some guidelines on living cheaply as an up-and-coming writer. High up on his list: living outside of the United States: I believe at some point…
The first books of 2016 are rolling off the presses this week, and among them is Samantha Hunt’s third novel, Mr. Splitfoot, which is already earning buzz for its prize-winning…
Lit Hub has been sharing excerpts of classic favorites to help weather the brutal cold—or, well, the mild cold, as is the case here in New York. Cozy up with the…
Lit Hub sat down with the founders of Emily Books, Emily Gould and Ruth Curry, to talk about their decision to start their new imprint, from drinks at Palomas to their first book,…
…there is a canonical body of literature in which women’s stories are taken away from them, in which all we get are men’s stories. And that these are sometimes not…
So while silence can most certainly be boring, unsettling, unbearable, it can just as certainly be an aid to concentration and thus free the imagination. It can quiet the mind…
Considering the other forces vying to demarcate our time, dividing it up between mass shootings and other traumas, to encounter a packed bookshelf, a library, or a bookstore with a…