It’s well-known by the literary crowd that authors don’t get to choose the artwork for their book covers. Except when they do, as in the case of Naomi Jackson, author of…
The satisfying crack when the bat met the ball resounded throughout Jingu Stadium. Scattered applause rose around me. In that instant, for no reason and on no grounds whatsoever, the…
Like a detective novel, these books are characterized by a central mystery and the process of detection that leads to solving that mystery. The mystery, however, is not a crime—it’s…
What’s one English word to sarcastically communicate Russian cosmopolitan refinement? How would you translate a page-long sentence from Tolstoy, or “the cacophonous competing voices of Dostoevsky”? Larissa Volokhonsky and Richard…
Consumer culture impossibly demands that we acquire possessions ad infinitum while condemning the clutter these objects inevitably produce. Over at Lit Hub, Susan Harlan surrenders to the stack: After all,…
How does a writer come to the conclusion that the a novel-in-progress needs to be ditched? Over at Lit Hub, Laura Dave reflects on the cathartic despair and relief of making…
Sometimes where we read can be just as affecting as what we read. Over at Lit Hub, various writers describe their places of preference: Is there one among us who…
When we are in love, when we are in trauma, when we are fighting for survival or captivated by a hypnotic sunrise, our brains create a visual dreamscape—surreal, shape-shifting, abstracted—that…
[I]t’s clear this island has given him the notes to create such a magical, and enduringly beautiful score of poetry. And so questions about poetry, about its meaning, always wend…
This poetry was a poetry meant to be read loudly, breathlessly, full-throttle, full of sonic energy and internal rhyme. It felt less like a communication from a speaker to a…