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56 posts
Filling in the Missing Patchwork: A Conversation with Steven Reigns
Steven Reigns discusses his newest poetry collection, A QUILT FOR DAVID.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project: Lindsay Merbaum
“It was like wandering through my own labyrinth.”
Gods Arrive Where We Pay Attention: A Conversation with Avni Vyas
Avni Vyas discusses her debut poetry collection, LITTLE GOD.
Where Else Can We Be This Free?: Talking with ire’ne lara silva
ire’ne lara silva discusses her third poetry collection, CUICACALLI/HOUSE OF SONG.
It’s about Choices: Talking with Donika Kelly
Donika Kelly discusses her new poetry collection, THE RENUNCIATIONS.
The Rumpus Book Club Chat with Morowa Yejidé
Morowa Yejidé discusses her new novel, CREATURES OF PASSAGE.
The Power of the Word: Talking with Roberto Lovato
Roberto Lovato discusses his new memoir, UNFORGETTING.
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Molly Spencer
Molly Spencer discusses her new collection, HINGE.
Still Wouldst Thou Sing: Nightingale by Paisley Rekdal
Figures from antiquity—those masks of learned, privileged poets—are rendered utterly contemporary, down to earth.