In her new book, The Selfishness of Others, Kristin Dombek turns her deliberate inquisition and dry humor on the suddenly ubiquitous if “sketchy” word narcissism. In conversation with Laura Creste…
Kristin Dombek’s The Selfishness of Others: An Essay on the Fear of Narcissism is just out from FSG, and over at n+1 she writes beguilingly, with humor and aplomb, about…
Phillip K. Dick’s holy spirits—or hallucinations? Lovecraftian scientific horror in Stranger Things. Shakespeare + math = … Narcissists doth make psychiatrists of us all. As women of color win science…
In a world where the selfie has become our dominant art form, tautological phrases like “You do you” and its tribe provide a philosophical scaffolding for our ever-evolving, ever more…
Psychologists, nonfiction writers, journalists, concerned parents, and probably Jonathan Franzen, are increasingly focused on critiquing this “me”-focused generation, or the “cult of self-esteem” that shelters and coddles kids and invites…
We’re distracted, our attention is shot, we are under surveillance, and we don’t care! We like being linked and friended by strangers who may or may not be who they say they are.