[A]ll this sensationalism has made The Weather Channel, inadvertently and ever increasingly, the essential television viewing experience of the Anthropocene.
Is HBO’s bookish Westworld poised to give science fiction the Game of Thrones treatment? Antelopes, Bollywood, climate change, Brönte. National Geographic‘s autumn book recommendations—sushi, hiking, murder, oh my! Elon Musk name-drops Hitchhiker’s…
Alice Dreger discusses her latest book, Galileo’s Middle Finger, the relationship between science and social justice, and the state of modern academia.
National Geographic has created a pretty fascinating look at a world where all the glaciers have melted. Check out their interactive map. Or don’t. It’s kind of terrifying.
Via Longreads, a Carl Zimmer story on his National Geographic blog about bringing lost species back from extinction. Dinosaurs are probably out of the question because their remains are too old to contain usable DNA,…
“Different languages highlight the varieties of human experience, revealing as mutable aspects of life that we tend to think of as settled and universal, such as our experience of time,…
Birds are already starting to turn up covered in oil. National Geographic has some early photos. In what will come as a surprise to almost no one, it’s being reported…
NASA is providing information from its satellites to aid in disaster relief in Haiti. NASA’s Mars Rover Phoenix went to sleep for the winter, and now they’re trying to wake…
The surface of Mars had liquid water recently. Two things. 1. I’m not talking about the latest Doctor Who special which hasn’t aired in the US yet so why would…
Lots of fascinating science news this week. Here we go. The IgNobel Prizes were given out last night, and the honored research included a bra that doubles as a gas…