Who is Benjamin Clementine? It’s a fair question to ask, considering this relatively unfamiliar artist was recently awarded the Mercury Prize (the UK’s parallel to the Grammy’s “Album of the…
The affronted world’s Ahabs, crippled by attack, vow vengeance and a show of might. At The Kenyon Review blog, Karen Malpede talks about her experience of reading Moby-Dick out loud…
I can’t say I was surprised by the level of empathy my barber expressed for the victims of the Paris attacks, though I was intrigued by the empathy of a…
We’re defiant, but shaky. We can’t get over what we’ve seen, what we’ve heard, who we’ve lost, and we don’t really want to. But we’ll eventually get used to the…
The terrorist organization that coordinated attacks in Paris last week has alternately been called ISIS, ISIL, and IS by government and media. However, when French President Francois Hollande addressed the…
Shakespeare & Co. sheltered twenty people during the terror attacks in Paris last week. New York City’s Shakespeare & Co., unrelated to the Parisian store, has some expansion plans. The…
That’s not to say being informed isn’t important—of course it is—but I suddenly felt a more important calling. I remembered the words of Marlon Brando in the wake of 9/11:…
The news that governors are suddenly deciding that they don’t want to welcome Syrian refugees has really driven home to me just how cowardly much of this country is. We…
In the wake of the tragedy that occurred in Paris this weekend, the identities of victims from the shooting at the Le Bataclan venue, where the Eagles of Death Metal…
The first time I saw Adam on television, on American Idol, past and present collided, as if psychedelic clothes, gnawed by moths, are suddenly rewoven, resurrected.