Amazon just announced its newest Kindle model—there are slight technological enhancements over its predecessor, but the bigger shift is in significant aesthetic changes meant to make the device feel more like…
We love books for many reasons. Take a quick break from marveling at the interweb and appreciate the physical book as an object, and as a piece of art.
A study of 300 college students in the United States, Germany, Slovakia, and Japan found that 92 percent preferred to read paper books over e-books. The students preferred paper because…
“What will happen in 2016 in books?” the Los Angeles Times asks in a recent article. And it offers a few predictions: 2016 will be the year of print books,…
You can’t put everything in the cloud. Over at The New Republic, William Giraldi makes the case for holding onto books in their physical form: We might be reading them—although I…
For the burgeoning field of Critical Bibliography, “the study of the physical characteristics of books and the process of bookmaking,” Rare Book School is the highlight of the year. The…
E-book sales have slowed in the past year and a half, so what is making readers continue to opt for paper books? This infographic posted by Electric Literature shows there…
There’s long been debate over e-books vs. paper books. Now, the Financial Times reports on new research that shows that digital devices encourage deep reading while printed books are better for…
How does a child experience a book? It’s such a different experience reading on a tablet or a smartphone. A physical book has a heft, a permanence that you don’t…