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304 posts
The Sunday Rumpus Interview: Erika Rae
"Currently, about 35% of our nation self-identifies as Evangelical…not wanting to understand the Evangelical culture in our current political climate is a bit like not wanting to understand, say, the Mexican-American community in the middle of the immigration debates."
Sympathy for the Devil
“You have a demon inside of you that is making you gay,” she stammered quietly. “I know because I used to have a demon that gave me a gluten intolerance. But then I, uh, prayed and God cast it out.”
Seeking Grace in Strange Places
I am not a religious person. I usually tell people, if they ask, that I’m a secular humanist, because religion plays no part in my life. And mostly, this is…
The Rumpus Interview with Karen Prior
A formerly freckle-faced pothead with a penchant for getting arrested, Prior admits she doesn’t hide emotions well and so to some, she can be a handful.
Nuns on the Run
The Catholic nuns who received a serious talking-to from the Vatican in April for being too outspoken on issues of social justice are planning a bus tour of 9-states this…
Broad As the Mouth of the Hudson
In Jeff Sharlet’s latest book about religion in America, Sweet Heaven When I Die, “religion” is something protean and heterodox.
Overlooked Movies For Saturday Introverts: Higher Ground
The actress Vera Farmiga, whom you may know from Up in the Air or, possibly, the great guilty-pleasure of 2009, The Orphan, directed a movie called Higher Ground, which came…
I Was a Teenage Krishna
It all happened quickly. I began praying to Krishna: a blue boy playing a flute to a herd of sheep on a green hill, a small boy with a peacock…
Religion vs. Pop Culture
“There was a time, religious historians say, that religion was easy to pinpoint because people were defined by their beliefs, practices and traditions of worship. Now, with the sheer number…
Dom-Mom Love
We mentioned the new site Tits and Sass earlier today, and already they are posting great articles, like this conversation between Bettie, a dominatrix, and her mother, a preacher. Bettie’s…
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #25: Chris Graham in Conversation in a Syrian Taxi
Mohaned works at a small hotel in Palmyra, a desert town in northeast Syria. On the side, he helps a friend pitch taxi rides to tourists. (Mohaned speaks Arabic and…