The economics of publishing a literary magazine reveal some inauspicious stats. Magazine editors have to stay crafty and constantly reinvent what it means to be innovative, just to survive. Even…
We’ve been seeing a lot from Roxane Gay lately, on The Rumpus as well as in other literary blog realms. Ever wondered about her writing process? See what she has…
Feministing published an article on the backlash to the Mac McClelland piece on PTSD, commending her bravery, defending the art of the personal essay and citing yesterday’s Roxane Gay piece…
Last week journalist Mac McClelland wrote a brutal, exceptional essay for Good where she plainly discussed her experience with PTSD and her desire for violent sex as one means of coping…
Blake Butler is the author of There Is No Year (Harper Perennial, 2011), Scorch Atlas (Featherproof Books, 2010), and Ever (Calamari Press, 2009). He is the editor of HTMLGIANT, Lamination…
What Rhoades Ha and the New York Times fail to understand is that the backlash is not about readers misinterpreting these quotes as belonging to the reporter, James C. McKinley Jr. It is about everything else.
If after reading “The Careless Languages of Sexual Violence,” a Rumpus Original essay by Roxane Gay, you want to share your response directly with the New York Times, considering submitting…