Famed Indian bookseller Ram Advani has passed away at the age of 95. He had planned to continue visiting his shops until was 99. Elton John has a favorite Los…
Seoul Innovation Park in South Korea is home to four tiny, mobile libraries, part of a project to bring culture to the public space. Each of the unique libraries offers…
Pulitzer Prize–winning author Adam Johnson talks about his new book, Fortune Smiles, fiction and voice, veterans and defectors, solar-powered robots and self-driving cars, and infrared baseball caps that can blind security cameras.
At NYT Magazine, Maggie Jones profiles an entire generation: the South Korean adoptees making the trek back “home.” But having spent their lives abroad, where “home” is becomes a tough question…
Suki Kim discusses her new memoir, Without You, There Is No Us, going undercover for research, growing up as an immigrant to the U.S., and spending six months trapped in North Korea.