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T Kira Madden
52 posts
Notable NYC: 3/25–3/31
Saturday 3/25: Lucy Ives and Lila Zemborain join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 3/26: Ariena Reines, Lauren Hilger, T Kira Madden, Rachel Aydt, and Meghan Trask…
Notable NYC: 11/19–11/25
Saturday 11/19: We Are All Affected, a Trump Protest. Union Square, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., free. Maxe Crandall, Allison Parrish, Charlie Bondhus, and Hal Schrieve celebrate the third issue of Vetch.…
Here Are Some Stories Seth Likes
Here’s a few very short stories for your Monday morning: “When a door opens and you can’t see who’s coming, it’s almost always a cat that would like to be…