Self-publishing has never been easier for writers with digital technology, particularly ebooks, allowing for new titles with little to no capital costs. Poets, after all, have a long history of…
In an excerpt from her book The Shelf, Phyllis Rose illustrates the systematic dismissal of women writers through the imagined figure of Prospero’s Daughter: wealthy and educated yet burdened by…
Terrifying though the unknown may seem, there are benefits to plunging into the murky waters of uncertainty. In an essay featured in the New Yorker, Rebecca Solnit writes, “It’s the job of writers and explorers…
Peter Orner writes over at Salon about the beautiful summer of being 22, out on a lake and drinking some beers. He writes of languidly gliding along in a boat…
Over at Brain Pickings, Maria Popova highlights the only known recording of Virginia Woolf’s voice. In the recording, Woolf reads from an essay on craft (which Popova conveniently reprints in…
In a letter of May 21, 1924, an English literary critic invited T.S. Eliot to speak to the club on “any subject connected with the Elizabethan drama.” As late as…
Our girl Elissa Bassist lays some hella smart analysis on Orange is the New Black for Medium: To see what’s been missing in popular culture is to see how comprehensive and refined…
Lately, over crumb-laden dinner tables and cups of coffee and on windy hillsides I ask friends, family, and peripheral acquaintances whether or not they write in a journal.
An amorphous aura resonates around authors we discover on our own. Before we hear of their fame and talent, before everyone recommends their book as a “must read” we find…