Ah, the lovely march of Spring… Who can deny the splendor and joy that May hath wrought? In case you spent the week reveling in the sunshine, smelling the lovely flowers, sheltering from oppressive heat, or fleeing tornadoes and torrential rain, Rumpus Books offers this handy recap of the week’s stories.
A review of Live Through This: A Mother’s Memoir of Runaway Daughters and Reclaimed Love, by Debra Gwartney
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery – review of Unplugging Philco, by Jim Knipfel
In Search of Free Union – review of Free Union, by John Casteen (plus a Rumpus Original Poem by the author)

All’s Love in Myth and War – review of Light Boxes, by Shane Jones
Be sure to read Andy Raskin’s survey of food-themed Japanese manga, Elissa Bassist’s rundown of the many fears of Roberto Bolaño, and What Will Become of the Word “Ponzi”?, Claire Cameron’s investigation of word viruses, cultural memes, and Italian words that start with “P.”
Finally, don’t miss Was This Review Helpful? Amazon and the Search for an Unassailable Masterpiece, the newest entry in The Blurb, the Rumpus Books Blog.
Book art by Thomas Allen