While academia works to adjust the long-standing under-representation of women in science, consider for a moment the inevitable corollary to those numbers: the dearth of female mad scientists.
Ana Menendez’s new collection of short fiction, Adios, Happy Homeland, weaves together stories from diverse Cuban voices that all confront the history and lived reality of their conflicted homeland.
Salon.com’s got an article on the correlation between mental illness and leaders—citing Winston Churchill and Hitler as examples. The topic of discussion is First-Rate Madness, Nassir Ghaemi’s book on the…
“It’s always interesting when a very strange book is also an enduringly popular book.” This Poetry Foundation essay is appreciating The Bell Jar, which is embarking on its 40th year…
At Redbones. Hosiery Seams on a Bowlegged Woman. Last Chance for the Tarzan Holler. Pyramid of Bone. Rainbow Remnants in Rock Bottom Ghetto Sky. Small Congregations. Tokyo Butter. The titles…
Author of the recently released novel, Sister Mischief, Laura Goode offers some insight into the fiery world of young adult fiction because as it turns out, “Your Mom Reads More…
Some shady rats have been hacking into the UN, governments, major companies, and other organizations & stealing sensitive info for the past 5 years and no one noticed til now.…