Posts by year
4022 posts
Where I Write #8: The Strange Nooks of Our Bodies
Behind me there’s a bed that hasn’t seen anyone but myself since I purchased it four months ago when I moved across the country, and I make it every morning.
Real Life Honesty
“‘One of the most important reasons to write, to make art, to make music, to be an artist of any sort, is to connect. To show others, ‘I too have…
Tarantino’s Biggest Fan
In 1996, Sarah was one notable member of Tarantino’s fan base. He makes some awesomely gruesome films, but his fan-appreciation is nothing but precious.
Levin Wins Young Lion’s Award
Adam Levin, author of the former Rumpus Book Club selection, The Instructions has won the NYPL Young Lions Fiction Award! Congratulations to Adam (and McSweeney’s)!
Help the NYPL
Help keep the New York Public Library open! The library is taking a severe blow due to major budget cuts (the highest cut in 100 years). They’re asking for donations…
Erin Rose’s Tech Links
Microsoft is buying Skype. The Department of Justice wants wireless providers to store your personal info. Violation of privacy, anyone? Um, in case you work at a computer & haven’t…
R. Reilly: “Don’t Write For Free”
Sports columnist, Rick Reilly is doling out writing advice to Colorado’s J-school graduating class, and not everybody is taking it so well. It’s a constant dilemma for writers new and…
No Books For Prisoners
More information on the South Carolina jail that refuses to allow its inmates any books or reading materials that are not the Bible, spurring last year’s ACLU lawsuit and a…
E. L. Doctorow in San Jose
Award-winning author E. L. Doctorow will be reading down in San Jose tonight. Then tomorrow afternoon he will be in conversation with our very own Andrew Altschul. Here are all…
Post-Grad Hipster’s Guide to Inhabitable U.S. Cities
Cartographer Katie Gillett’s Post-Grad Hipster’s Guide to Inhabitable U.S. Cities: