Rumpus contributor Maddie Oatman profiles Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad for Mother Jones. What happens when a nerdy science show experiments with live stage performances? A sneak peak: “‘Even Charles Darwin himself—Chuck…
At Salon, Rumpus essays editor Roxane Gay writes about the cheering of Sandusky’s guilty verdict, and our spectacle-centric culture. “The pictures are the story. The videos are the story. The…
This Week in San Francisco: Monday 6/25: Books Inc. Opera Plaza hosts Daily Show contributors Lizz Winstead, author of Lizz Free or Die, and Kevin Bleyer, author of Me the…
For those of you with literary ambitions, be warned: this book might be painful. You will read A Sense of Direction and recall your confused chasing of said ambition, all…
This week in NYC: MONDAY 6/25: Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya reads from The Watch, and will discuss with Anderson Tepper. McNally Jackson, 7pm, free. TUESDAY 6/26: Also at McNally Jackson, Glen Duncan…
Competence without comprehension. The Wizard of Oz, behind the scenes. An animated short film full of blue: “Backwater.” Human-powered helicopter hovers for 50 seconds.
For Jennifer Miller’s 32nd birthday, her mother gave her a 1957 issue of Time Magazine featuring the suave and clean-shaven journalism legend, Edward R. Murrow.
Monday is the deadline for the public to comment on the settlements in the antitrust lawsuit the Department of Justice brought against several publishers, and Apple, for colluding against Amazon.
Last Saturday, after I posted the Gone Girl essay that turned into another gender-in-literature rant, I thought to myself, “Self, let’s find a new subject, surely your readers are getting bored.…
The National Book Award Foundation recently launched an online exhibition devoted to the 373 books that were NBA Fiction Finalists between 1950 and 2011. Now a permanent part of the…