National Poetry Month. Lots is going on.
Red Hen Press (see our interview with Eloise Klein Healy, an editor of Red Hen’s imprint Arktoi) is teaming up with a bunch of other publishers for a buy one, gift one deal all month. That means you get to pick out an awesome book of poems for you to love, and then another to send to a friend, lover, professor, enemy, or parent.
The list of participating publishers and love-spreading details can be found here, at Red Hen’s blog. Matthew Dickman, editor of Tin House and fellow generous-poetry-distributor, says:
“Over the next thirty days, let’s all buy a favorite book of poems and send it to someone who doesn’t usually read poems. This could be a family member, friend, your local representative, whomever! I believe poetry enriches our lives and our hearts. I believe that by sharing poetry with others we are taking part in humanizing our culture.”