★★★★★ (3 out of 5)
Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing electricity.
Have you ever wondered how lights turn on, or what powers your VCR? It’s electricity. Those are only a couple of the things it can do but it can do much more. I can’t list them all here because there are so many and I have to go to sleep soon. Basically, think of anything that isn’t alive and can move on its own. Chances are it’s electricity making it happen.
I’ve seen a magic trick where a clock is powered by a potato. This makes no sense because potatoes aren’t electric. My guess is the magician hides a battery inside the potato. It’s a pretty good trick.
Before electricity a lot of things were powered by coal and animals and less fortunate people. I imagine that as mankind continues to progress, we will find a replacement for electricity. Perhaps magnets. Or maybe I’m being too narrow minded and we will progress to a future where nothing needs to be moved or powered.
What I don’t understand is how electricity is made in the first place because the things that make it are powered by electricity. So where does that electricity come from? Is it all from lightning strikes? Maybe a pool of electric eels? I have no idea and neither did the woman at the billing department of NSTAR when I called to ask.
One way small amounts of electricity can be made is by rubbing your socks on a carpet. This is called static electricity. It can make your hair stand up but it can also shock you if you touch metal or another person. Some people think it’s a funny prank to shock someone but it’s not. It can be very surprising and painful and I’ve seen it end more than one friendship.
Too much electricity can kill someone, and someone invented a chair that can do just that. It’s called an electric chair. This is different from a wheelchair. While some of those are electric, the only danger is if the user were to steer it into a bathtub. A true electric chair is only for dying. It’s the worst chair there is by far.
Please join me next week when I’ll be reviewing Outback Steakhouse.