★★★★★ (3 out of 5)
Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing sawdust.
If you have something made of wood in your home, you have something that could become sawdust. It should really be called wooddust, because that’s what it is, but it’s too late to change the name now. Everyone is used to it being called sawdust.
The reason it has this name is because it is the result of cutting wood with a saw, however a serrated knife would also work. Pretty much anything capable of pulverizing wood into small bits the size of regular dust.
Sawdust is soft like a pillow, but easy to inhale like asbestos. A dangerous combination. Don’t ever make a pillow out of it, no matter how badly you want a pillow. You’ll spend the whole night coughing and when you wake up it will be everywhere.
If you accidentally turn a prized chair into sawdust, one trick is to carefully glue it all back together into a similar shape as when it was originally a chair. Without a mold this can be quite tricky so don’t expect very good results. It will take a lot of glue and time but it’s better than just wasting all that sawdust. It would be like throwing away the ashes of a loved one.
One of the really wonderful things about sawdust is how nice it smells. It’s hard to describe. If you really want to smell it, write to me and I’ll mail you a small bag of it. For some reason Scratch ‘n Sniff stickers only come in odors of foods, but I would absolutely buy a bunch of sawdust scented stickers. And I would scratch them and sniff them all day long.
Please join me next week when I’ll be reviewing the Vietnam War.